It doesn’t matter how many talents you have, or what you are called to do, do it with passion! And, that’s a good thing. For many, I’m preaching to the choir. Work hard and work smart, and you will earn extraordinary rewards.” — Matshona Dhliwayo Work hard to make the most of your hours. Producing a great product or service doesn't happen without hard work. Whatever the manner – hard work is usually the cause. However, in addition to the obvious rewards of our hard work, we can reap other, often overlooked benefits from our hard work. Views: 177366, We’re living in strange days. Motivation, Leadership & Success • You may have previously questioned why certain individuals seem to possess more luck than you. They trust the process and love watching what can happen when they commit to something. What line of work are you in? It’s something that many of us shy away of because once The Plan has been laid, we are accountable. But had work always gets results. Real leadership happens in the trenches, not on the golf course. This is largely because it provides a sense of fulfillment. Hard Work Builds Character – We’re living in the midst of a character crisis. Hard work leads to self-improvement. If we can’t have something in 5 minutes we don’t want it. Hard workers are worth their weight in diamonds. The Job Search – Part II: Think like an Employer, Introducing – An Interview with Pharmacist Mark Rubin. Hard work will make you achieve the thing you wanted and aspired. That way, we gain two benefits: happiness and product. Edison’s famous words are relevant to this point: “Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.”, 5. Below are eight reasons to consider why working with intensity is a positive behavior. Good for you. Opinions Editor, Computerworld | Q&A: Jon Gordon. Sometimes it’s more about the effort they put in. Don’t be a quitter. It might be you change something. Hard work is one of the best things to learn when young becuase you get to the places you want to be quicker than when you are lazy. Instead of looking at the dreaded details as the mud that we must slog through to reach our respective finish lines, we can start to reframe that mud as cement. Doing the Hard Work – The Plan. Many, faced with this frustration, are ready to give up. But hard work builds character. Quitting is easy. Whatever the manner – hard work is usually the cause. Great article. My daughter came to the table prepared to do her school. Hard Work Blesses Others – No lasting benefit to mankind is achieved without hard work. You learn discipline. To make the blanket statement that “government rewards laziness and punishes success” gives an unfortunate overtone to your article. It might be you learn something. As they say in the Marines, “no one ever drowned in sweat.”  We need a revival in our work ethic. But I want to propose that whatever the obstacles, hard work has benefits that should not be overlooked or avoided. Reading History is a subject which requires students to work independently a great deal of the time, and to do a lot of reading. Hard work is like an opportunity magnet. “First, there's having a sense of self. Quitting is easy. Lidocaine Patches and Prior Authorizations. ©Jason Poquette and The Honest Apothecary. It might be you learn something. Horace Mann, the 19th century education reformer born here in my state of Massachusetts once said “Be ashamed to die until you have won some victory for humanity.”. It pays off. Glad you enjoyed it. If you are going to be successful in business, you need to do hard work. It doesn’t bother ChenFan Fu at all to admit that when he started high school in Shanghai, China, he was at the bottom of his class of some 700 students. It has been said “Some people dream of success… while others wake up and work hard at it.”  Laziness doesn’t result in anything but wasted time and resources. "Essay On Benefits Of Hard Work" Essays and Research Papers . A hard-working employee is someone who’s willing to learn and always looking for new ways to grow within the company. It feels good to know at the end of the day that you gave your best effort. And if getting it is hard, forget it! We should work harder to please others, bless others, and help others. Character is more important than success. Hard working people enjoy what they do and how they do it. Career Watch: The benefits of hard work. Hello Working Pharmacist, To help motivate you toward hard work, allow me to share these 5 Benefits of Hard Work: 1. Whether you have noticed it already or not, individuals who tend to be blessed and luckier carry with them a unique work-ethic. ... Hard Times In the novel Hard Times, by Charles Dickens, we can immediately see the problems that occurred in England around the times period of the mid 18oo's. Making a plan is like declaring a major. They will pass anyway. Hard Work Draws Attention – Want to get noticed? Hard Work Draws Attention – Want to get noticed? Thank you for a great article. Former MLB player for the White Sox and Blue Jays, Samuel Ewing, put it this way:  “Hard work spotlights the character of people:  some turn up their sleeves, some turn up their noses, and some don’t turn up at all.”, 2. For many in the U.S. today, it would appear that work, hard work, is a dirty “four letter word.”  Our government seems to concur – by rewarding laziness and punishing success. People who work hard for a long enough time get their rewards. And soon the world will be watching. Hi Partha! You need to climb. Work is a great healer. “Work hard, and you will earn good rewards. Consider his confirmation of this energy is u mgy y. These lessons, in turn, serve us in other areas (health, relationships, hobbies, etc.). A person who works hard is one who, when faced with bad luck, is able to fight through it and continue their road to their dreams, but yet when given good luck continues to work at what they’re wanting to achieve and not slack. Do the work. Work hard at work to work hard at life. And soon the world will be watching. Despite the benefits we gain for our hard work, it also offers disadvantages for us. For one thing, it was a very good high school, Fu says, and his classmates were very smart. Average people spend a great deal of time waiting for things to happen. Thank you Christina! // ]]>What have you been avoiding…because it seems hard? Hard work is like an opportunity magnet. Posted on April 26, 2011 by lenell. Strong character is built the same way strong muscles are build – Hard Work! But EASY never builds character. LIFE IS HARD. September 2, 2013 • The building blocks of a successful career are talent, skills, and character. Evil is called good; and good is called evil. What new endeavor have you put off, because it just seems impossible? You learn to manage your time and your resources. Therefore, from now on we have be smart in managing our time either for working or for having … Work smart, and you will earn great rewards. Horace Mann, the 19th century education reformer born here in my state of Massachusetts once said “Be ashamed to die until you have won some victory for humanity.”. Hard workers are worth their weight in diamonds. Hard work is hard, but when you've become accustomed to it, you start to love it. “If a man is called a streetsweeper, he should sweep streets even as Michelangelo painted, or Beethoven composed music, or Shakespeare wrote poetry. Do you want to see something happen? I would hope that in your work as a pharmacist you have encountered many people who work VERY hard, but for whatever reason lack the specific tools or never had the early advantages to get a foothold on the socioeconomic ladder. The boys came downstairs prepared to work in the yard. Hard Work Brings New Opportunities – That is, hard work opens doors. There are essay hard of benefits work always difficult. And hard work builds character. Hard work is often underrated. Forrest Fu ('10) Posted: July 11th, 2011 | By: Les Gura . (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Hard work will help you develop self-discipline and focus. And if I dare to add, if you work hard, you would have fewer complaints. Hard work, I’ve come to believe through experience and research, is both what we physically exert and mentally, a state of mind. This can be incredibly daunting. You learn to manage your time and your resources. … Required fields are marked *, © 2017 The Honest Apothecary | Pharmacy Blog All Rights Reserved, Website Designed and Developed by HTML Pro, What have you been avoiding…because it seems hard? The diligent stand out. The first step to reaping the long-term benefits of hard work comes with adjusting our view of it entirely. It might be you change something. Giving up is easy! What in the World are Pharmacy NCPDP Codes? Give it your heart! Dickens shows us how the class system works and what the economy was then and what it would shape out to be. But someone who works VERY hard washing dishes for 12 hours a day isn’t going to be able to pull themselves up very easily. ©Jason Poquette and The Honest Apothecary. We worked. 5. Hard work will never disappoint you as you spent your precious time behind it. Benefits of Hard Work. Edison’s famous words are relevant to this point: “Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.”, 5. You learn to focus. Work on yourself, … What new endeavor have you put off, because it just seems impossible? A hard-working employee can come in all shapes and sizes. Many of my customers receive state assistance, and while there are always a few bad apples in any situation, the vast majority would give anything to be where you are. You learn discipline. Hard Work Brings New Opportunities – That is, hard work opens doors. Those who have achieved success often attribute their success to hard work, determination, and perseverance. Kudos !! If we want to see the ' fruits of our labour' as it were, then as the major key, learning to enjoy hard work, or at least being able to have a critical appreciative understanding of it is essential. I wasn’t thinking about welfare at all. Character is more important than success. They won’t settle for this position or that answer, … When you repeatedly see good results from working hard, diligence becomes part of your personality. Work hard, and the world is blessed. It IS impossible – so long as you sit there and do nothing. Work hard. If you love your work, then work is like play. Hard Work Blesses Others – No lasting benefit to mankind is achieved without hard work. As you focus on the work at hand, there is no space in your head to wear yourself out with your own worries. In fact, it won’t happen any other way. Hard Work Gets Results – Hard work ALWAYS accomplishes something. Hard work gives you a purpose, it helps you overcome laziness, procrastination, your doubts, fear of failure, insecurities, and your bad habits. I like the way Abraham Lincoln put it “Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle.”. Hard work leads to greater joy. Thomas Jefferson said ““I’m a greater believer in luck, and I find the harder I work the more I have of it” Those who work hard find new opportunities always presenting themselves. Hard Work Gets Results – Hard work ALWAYS accomplishes something. The benefits of hard work are something that simply can only be gotten by the disciplined people. Hard Work Blesses Others – No lasting benefit to mankind is achieved without hard work. The result of our hard work can be in the form of feeling or products. And if getting it is hard, forget it! Yes – you may ALWAYS feel free to add your helpful comments! The second greatest commandment is to love our neighbor as ourselves. the benefits of hard work. 3. Want to turn some heads today? Strong character is built the same way strong muscles are build – Hard Work! Owning Your Career Part III – Begin with... An Interview with Jim Erickson, CEO of UltiMed Inc. about the UltiGuard Safe Pack! But hard work just might change all that. Your email address will not be published. !! 4. In fact they can make you ill. The second greatest commandment is to love our neighbor as ourselves. Giving up is easy! You learn to ignore the critics who are telling you it can’t be done. You learn to focus. I’ve got news for you. Christiano … In turn you will become more efficient and productive. When you have worries, be they financial or emotional, they can go round and round in your head until you feel quite ill. As famed motivational speaker Zig Ziglar put it, “The elevator to success is not running; you must climb the stairs.”. But had work always gets results. This little article is your dose of “just do it” for the day. Along with increased mental toughness, hard work gives you the chance to improve yourself. If something … By Jamie Eckle. Yesterday we did not do school. Benefits of Hard work Standard. You learn to ignore the critics who are telling you it can’t be done. Fewer complaints is always worth pursuing! It’s not always about finding the most knowledgeable person for the job or someone who has an idea about your company. She did pick up on the fact we were starting our day later, however. Essay On Benefits Of Hard Work. ZACH DE GREGORIO, CPA This video discusses Hard Work. You can choose to procrastinate often or give it your hardest to get what you want in life. The diligent stand out. Now just because it's hard work, it doesn't mean that it has to be unpleasant or uncomfortable, it's definitely doable for all of us. No one is going to carry you upwards toward success. “If a man is called a streetsweeper, he should sweep streets even as Michelangelo painted, or Beethoven composed music, or Shakespeare wrote poetry. Though, in some cases as you mention, the shoe fits. Hard Times. You may only see the outcome of their success, but what goes on behind the scenes may make you question what it truly means to ‘work-hard’. Do you want to see something happen? If we can’t have something in 5 minutes we don’t want it. To assume that everyone receiving help from the government is ‘lazy’ is , I guess, easy for you to say. It, To help motivate you toward hard work, allow me to share these. Give it your heart! Hardwork is important. Because spoken language is a firm commitment to reducing worker injuries and minimize the amount in a diary of, that there are negative repercussions for the painters neri de bicci, sandro botticelli, and squarcione, as well as a feeling for the. Thomas Jefferson said ““I’m a greater believer in luck, and I find the harder I work the more I have of it” Those who work hard find new opportunities always presenting themselves. To help motivate you toward hard work, allow me to share these 5 Benefits of Hard Work: //