While the product has been tested and is safe, some cats may experience a reaction to it where their immune system will overreact to an element of the medication, leading to allergy symptoms. The countries with the highest reported incidents are the USA, Australia, South America, Japan and Italy. Revolution has been evaluated as safe for use on breeding, pregnant and lactating females. False. If at all your pet has a history of mixed infestation attack, you may talk with your vet regarding starting Revolution for your cat as a preventive measure. Revolution is a flea and parasite medication that is applied to the skin of a cat, at the back of her neck. Of course I can't draw a straight line to the revolution, which does kill fleas, but it's a prime suspect. 6) Is Revolution flea treatment waterproof? They should eat a number of smaller meals throughout the day, usually morning and evening. Intestinal worms spend their lives inside your cat’s gut, so you will not necessarily ever see them in the faeces. False. Parasites are usually categorised into internal (those that live inside the body) and external (those that live on the skin or hair). I don't give it to him every month, but I took him outside with me a few times so that is why I decided to treat him. As well as providing discomfort for your cat with their bites, fleas can lead to a number of more serious issues for your cat. In dogs, it can kill scabies, flea eggs, fleas, and ear mites. If you are unsure, feel free to call your vet for advice. Can I get my dog or cat wet after using it? Revolution claims to provide month-long protection against adult fleas, flea eggs, heartworm, roundworm, ear mites and biting lice, and has been recommended by vets for years as their go-to parasite prevention for cats. While all cats will feel some irritation and itching at the site of a flea bite, some animals can develop a serious allergy to the flea saliva, which is injected at the site as the flea feeds. For any Inquiries or to Purchase over the phone Call Toll Free: 1-888-798-9128 This is not so much a disease as a condition caused by the bites themselves. These biting lice are a particular form of louse that only affects cats. That’s why being able to get Revolution Plus for cats without vet prescription is such a benefit for cat owners who want a quality flea medicine for cats that doesn’t require a prescription and can be purchased from their pharmacy or pet store. Another grocery store product that fleas don’t particularly enjoy is apple cider … She - Answered by a verified Cat Veterinarian We use cookies to give you the best possible experience on our website. Heartworms start their life as microfilariae, which live in the blood of the host animal, such as a dog or fox. Also, it’s important to prevent cats from grooming other cats who have been medicated. Yet flea medication must be added topically, and sometimes cats aren’t thrilled with the process. These are simply different names for the same product, and are made by the same company. A non-prescription treatment (previously only available from the vet) 'Seresto® flea and tick control collar' is available for cats & dogs. The flea is probably the most common parasite that your cat will encounter. Revolution is also safe for use with breeding males. These pests have even been known to survive the colder temperatures by hiding indoors, in homes or sheds where they can come into contact with your cat. The entire life cycle of the ear mite takes approximately 3 weeks to complete. So this is what happened. Whenever anything is on … An adult flea can survive with just one blood meal for up to 2 months. Alternatively, they may catch roundworms by eating an animal such as a mouse that is carrying the eggs. They remain at this stage for between 5 and 20 days, after which time they spin a cocoon. Kittens are usually infected with hookworm via their mother’s milk, while adult cats pick up the parasite from eating small animals that are infected with the larvae. Ear mites do not lead to any illness, but the irritation they cause to your cat can have a knock-on effect that can develop into serious problems. Revolution (Pfizer): “The safety of Revolution administered orally also was tested in case of accidental oral ingestion. Holding the tube in an upright position, press down on the cap until you hear a ‘click’. Mine all have, but finally I used Revolution on them when they had bad fleas and both got Cancer at 19 and 20 years of age. Although many parasites come from the external environment, some forms of intestinal worm can be passed directly to the kitten from the mother, either through the placenta or through the mother’s milk. To relieve the itching, the cat will continuously scratch at the ear, leading to mutilation of the ear itself, or open wounds that can develop infections. Heartworms, which are the cause of the disease, can be found worldwide, particularly in tropical and temperate climates. After application, Selamectin is absorbed and spread through your cat’s blood, hair and skin, where it is ingested by parasites. You may not often see them drink it, but cats can become sick in a number of hours if they are dehydrated. Overdosing can easily occur when giving small cats medication designed for larger cats, or due to excessive licking at the application site. If the cat licks off revolution will the ticks and fleas still die if they bite my cat. Revolution is an excellent all-purpose treatment that can help you get your pet’s pests issues under control. © 2020 RevolutionCats.com. Symptoms of overdose include uncoordinated movement, disorientation, dilated pupils, the inability to rise, depression, blindness and coma. False. Selamectin is a broad-spectrum antiparasitic designed for use on both dogs and cats. This topical flea treatment will provide your cat with three months of protection. Fleas emerge from the eggs as larvae, white, legless worm-like things about a ¼ inch in length. Inside the cardboard packet, the applicator pipettes are in individual blister packs, which should remain intact until you’re ready to use them. When the flea bites the cat, it dies. The drug blocks the transmission of neuronal signals, leading to the parasite’s death. As the ear mites crawl and feed, they cause irritation and itchiness. Although poisoning from flea products is rare, in some cases your cat may need prompt medical care for better and faster recovery. Catching any potential issues early is often key to avoiding more serious problems, and bigger vet bills, later on. In cats, this stage is reached approximately 7 to 8 months after they are first infected by the mosquito. It is both an ectoparasiticide, meaning it kills external parasites, and an endoparasiticide, which treats internal parasites. Revolution has been tested as safe on kittens from 8 weeks of age. *Ratings are from Amazon at the time of publication and can change. Affordable Alternative. Ear mites can be hard to see with the naked eye, and may require your vet to confirm their presence with a microscope. Eliminating parasites. Other side effects are rare but may include vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, rapid breathing, drooling, muscle tremors and lethargy. Flea eggs take between 2 and 20 days to hatch and during this time they may fall off your cat and become embedded in carpets, bedding or other soft furnishings. Advecta Plus Flea and Tick. Ingestion occurs if the dog or cat licks the treated area. Instead of looking for the worms themselves, look for symptoms such as your cat dragging its bottom, weight loss, vomiting or diarrhea. It can be hard to filter through all the information about parasites, but it’s important that you know the facts in order to provide the best care for your cat. This one is blue for cats weighing between 2.6 – 7.5 kg (5.7 – 15.5 lbs). 59 Your overall rating Once they have arrived in the intestines, the larvae mature into adult worms that can then begin the breeding cycle again. If left untreated, these infections can affect the eardrum, leading to problems with hearing and balance. Ask your veterinarian to show you where and how to apply Advantage to minimize the risks. Fleas at this stage are known as pupae and make up around 10% of a flea infestation. Revolution is also available for dogs, but all of the information provided here relates only to its use on cats. As well as being a health risk and a breeding ground for bacteria, a dirty litter box will be off-putting for your cat. These parasites live in the ear canal, where they feed off skin, oil and ear wax. This is more common in kittens or small cats. Yes. Revolution for both dogs and cats is a topical treatment and is easy to use. The application of Selamactin was found to cause temporary hair loss at the site of application in less than 1 in 1,000 cats, and clumping of the hair or a white residue in less than 1 in 1,000 cats. Worms do expel their eggs through the faeces, but these may be too small to be seen by the human eye. For cats over 22 lbs (10 kg), you will need to apply the appropriate combination of tubes based on their body weight. Apply the tip of the tube directly to the exposed skin and squeeze 3-4 times in this spot until it has been emptied. The use of Selamectin has been approved by the European Medicines Agency and the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) in 1999. Over the next 2 weeks the microfilariae develop into infective larvae, before being transmitted to a new host as the mosquito feeds. 1. These products are applied to the skin on your cat’s neck (between the shoulder blades) once a month, or as directed. Apply it on a spot at the back of the neck just between the shoulder blades where she cannot reach to lick it. Q: I just applied a topical flea medication to my dog/cat and they managed to lick some of it off. What if My Cat Licks Revolution? Fleas are found worldwide and live not only on cats, but also on dogs, rabbits, foxes, rats and even humans. Cats over 22lbs (10 kg) should be given the appropriate combination of tubes. For example, a cat weighing 25 lbs would need one tube for 15.1-22 lb cats, plus one tube for cats up to 5 lbs. The taste is so unpleasant for cats that they may try to get rid of it. Revolution was also 100% effective in preventing heartworm disease in cats. My cat licked where I had applied her flea treatment just once and now is twitching a little more than normal. Avoid getting Revolution on your fingers as you do this. Cats may experience stiff or clumped hair, or localised hair loss at the site of application, with or without inflammation. While these examples outline the places with the highest prevalence, it is worth noting that heartworm can be found in other areas, and vets recommend year-round heartworm protection regardless of location. Let us know how the experience was! Advantage helps prevent fleas from scavenging around on your beloved furball. Heartworm can be found worldwide, but due to the fact it can only be spread by mosquito bite, it is more prevalent in tropical and temperate areas. Getting your cat to the vet might seem like a serious challenge at times, but it’s important you don’t miss your regular appointments. $24.99 - $29.99 #31. A flea will stay in its cocoon until it determines that the conditions are right for survival. Our Top Pick: Bayer Advantage II for Large Cats. The eggs can take 1 to 2 weeks to hatch, emerging as nymphs, which resemble small adult lice. However, a call to your veterinarian can set your mind at ease. This might result in them going elsewhere in the house, or, more dangerously, holding in their urine and potentially developing urinary tract infections or bladder problems. False. These eggs are then passed out via the cat’s faeces into the environment, where they develop to the next stage. It is usually found in topical medication that is applied to the neck and back. Medications used for dogs can often be fatal for cats, so it’s important you use medications only as directed. The pipettes are clear to make application easier, and have a cap that helps to open the tube. Unfortunately, is it possible that a cat with heartworms will not display any symptoms at all until they collapse or die suddenly. Breaking the breeding cycle of fleas is the only way to eradicate a flea infestation from your cat and your home. Natural flea remedies for cats work via repetition. Selemectin, for example, the main ingredient used in Revolution, produces salivation and vomiting in cats but is generally safe. Bravecto is a topical flea treatment option that uses fluralaner to kill adult fleas. Hookworms at the larvae stage may also migrate to the mammary glands, where they are transmitted to kittens through the mother’s milk. When administering or storing Revolution for cats, it is important that you: There’s no single treatment that can kill all internal and external parasites on your pet, but Revolution for cats deals with the majority of those that affect cats. These eggs are expelled by the host in the faeces, where they end up in the soil or in litter boxes. These larvae enter the new host, such as your cat, through the hole made by the mosquito bite. Symptoms of anaemia include pale gums, lethargy, weight loss or a rapid pulse. The vet put Revolution flea control on my already vomiting cat.But she squirmed and it went down her back.She is now in a cat e-collar to stop her licking it.But she isn’t eating or drinking with the collar.The vomiting has stopped. Initially it was considered a problem that affected tropical and coastal areas only, but the risk is now just in great in southern areas. It’s known as a ‘stealth disease’ because it can easily be mistaken for a number of other health conditions. These parasites are named for the hook-like parts they have in their mouths, which they use to attach to the intestinal wall of the host. It is effective for many parasites such as adult fleas, flea larvae, ear mites, heartworm, roundworms, and bookworms. English     Français     Deutsch     Español     日本語     中文     繁體     Český     Dansk     Dutch     Italiano     한국어     Norsk     Polski     Português     Português     Русский     Suomi     Svenska     Türkçe. But what happens if the treatment that was supposed to kill parasites was licked by your cat? Cats who ingested a large amount of Revolution or that are sensitive may get digestive upset. In cats of any age you may notice symptoms including: As mature adult females begin breeding in the intestines, they release thousands of eggs at a time. The back of the box should have the expiry date and the lot number. At this stage they feed for a few days, then rest for one day, before moulting and becoming nymphs. The mosquito itself provides the environment for the next stage of development. These are the most common worms found in both cats and dogs. This can be as little as 7 days but can be as long as 5 months. Notably, salivation can be a result of a cat licking fur that had the medication on it. The chemicals from the medication disrupt the nervous system and can lead to serious health problems. It’s important that your cat has access to fresh water at any time of day. According to the manufacturer, Revolution flea control will maintain its efficacy after periods of wetting. It should only be used on cats that are older than 6 months and weigh more than 2.6 pounds. While populations of fleas, ticks and mosquitoes might explode in the warmer months, the reality is that parasites are a risk all year round. Kittens will require a special diet until 6 months of age. Possible effects of ingesting Revolution include: Always read the label directions carefully to ensure the product is appropriate for your cat’s species, age, and weight. Revolution can be applied topically at the back of the cat’s neck just above the shoulders or any part of the coat that she is unable to reach. There’s no one size fits all diet for pets, so you might want to speak to your vet about the best food for your cat’s breed and age. Revolution kills adult fleas and flea eggs and helps to control flea infestations, protects against heartworm disease, treats and controls roundworm and roundworm infections, and treats and controls infestations of ear mites and biting lice. For this reason, it’s important that breeding females are protected with the right parasite treatment. Apple Cider Vinegar. In addition, the treatment used to control heartworm disease is dogs cannot be used on cats, so prevention is the only way to protect your pet from the dangers of heartworm. Do not administer to animals younger than this. Here are some of the more dangerous myths about parasites, and the truths behind them. Oral administration of the recommended topical dose of Revolution to cats caused salivation and intermittent vomiting.” $4.67 #30. Some cats may also shake their head to relieve the itching, which can also cause damage to the eardrum. Bayer Advantage II for Large Cats is a quick and effective topical flea treatment. Revolution only needs to be applied in one spot, so there’s no concern about missing an area and not getting full protection. As hookworms feed, they release an anticoagulant substance that prevents the blood from clotting and induces continued bleeding. Scout isn’t supposed to lick Advantage. These microscopic parasites are quite common in both dogs and cats, and can be easily transmitted between the two animals. If this is the case, salivation will occur for a few minutes and it should quickly resolve. Plague symptoms include swollen lymph nodes, fever, depression, swollen tonsils, vomiting and diarrhea. While some parasites can be relatively harmless, causing nothing more than a bit of discomfort, other parasites can cause life-threatening damage if not treated. Cats need both the right nutritional balance and the right feeding schedule to stay in tip top shape. However, dogs and cats can easily become sick if too much or the wrong flea product is applied, or the product is ingested post-application. Cleanliness is also vital when it comes to the litterbox. You can touch your cat as soon as the area is completely dry, but if you want to bathe your pet or let it get wet, you will need to wait 2 hours for the product to become waterproof (in the case of heartworm protection you should wait at least 24 hours). Revolution is a monthly topical medication designed for the treatment of parasites on cats. Sadly there’s no one product that will protect your cat against all parasites. In this case, one parasite can lead to another. Fleas are most commonly found in and around places where these animals live, either in homes and yards, or the nests of wild animals. Have you treated your cats with Revolution? I don't know what to do but he seems to be breathing just fine and if it is just something simple and common I would rather not pay exorbitant vet fees. Frontline Plus Apply this liquid medication to your cat’s neck once a month to kill all stages of fleas, ticks, and chewing lice. But with the right combination, you can achieve full protection with just a couple of treatments. As the young worms grow, they make their way through the tissue to the lung. It is also common for larvae to enter the host via the skin, as infected soil clings to the feet. Offering milk or tuna water can help clear the taste from the pet’s mouth. As heartworms are spread by mosquitoes, they are particularly prevalent in humid areas or near water. From the larval stage to the breeding stage, the hookworm life cycle takes around 2 to 3 weeks. Moreover, it can help to control heartworms while also offering aid to control the spread of parasites like hookworms and roundworms. I think my cat licked some of the Revolution tick/flea/worm medicine that I just applied off of her fur. Luckily, the main active ingredient in Frontline is fipronil, which is not lethal if ingested. Fleas start off as eggs, which are laid by adult females in batches of about 20 in your cat’s fur. From the release of eggs to full maturation, the life cycle of the roundworm takes around 4 to 5 weeks. Also to know is, is it bad if my cat licks flea medicine? Coastal Pet Products SAFARI Flea Comb for Cats, Flea and Tick Prevention for Cats, Cat Flea Treatment, Flea Prevention 4.7 out of 5 stars 5,753. European cases of heartworm appear to be generally confined to the more southern countries around the Mediterranean and the Black Sea, including Spain, Portugal, Greece and Turkey, with the highest concentration of cases found in Italy. Revolution is a flea and parasite medication that is applied to the skin of a cat, at the back of her neck. The final stage of the life cycle is the development into adult worms. Read on to find out. Cats are known for being self-groomers, but even the cleanest of kitties needs some help from time to time. Flea eggs usually account for around 50% of a flea infestation. Prevention is the only protection against heartworms in cats. These include: Lice complete their entire life cycle on the host, and can only survive in the environment for a number of days. Revolution is available in three options: up to 5lb (2.3 kg), 5.1-15 lbs (2.4-6.8 kg) and 15.1-22 (6.9-10 kg). Once inside the host, the eggs hatch as larvae in the gastrointestinal tract. Approximately one week after returning to the intestines, the worms will have matured enough to begin breeding, and the life cycle begins again. Here, under the skin, they continue to grow, eventually migrating to the host’s blood vessels. How To Raise A Kitten To Be Affectionate? The medication is reapplied every 30 days, so there is a chance that by the end of the month, it has lost some of its potency. Heartworm can now be found in 49 states and several Canadian provinces. Regardless of your cat’s age, breed and lifestyle, they will require year-round protection from parasites. Although roundworms are not particularly problematic in adult cats, they can be dangerous, even fatal, to kittens or debilitated older cats. Revolution doses are based on your cat’s body weight, so the packet will be a different colour depending on the size of your pet. The treatment must be repeated every day until there aren’t any fleas left on your cat’s body. PETARMOR Plus Flea & Tick Prevention for Cats with Fipronil, Waterproof, Long-Lasting & Fast-Acting Topical Cat Flea Treatment 4.2 out of 5 stars 4,415 $39.59 $ 39 . If you have more than one cat in the household separate them so they cannot lick it off each other. Bubonic plague responds well to antibiotics but can be fatal if left untreated. Fleas can carry a number of strains of this disease, but cats are particularly at risk of bubonic plague. An entire tube should be used for each dose. Some cats don’t like bending down to drink, so if your cat is not touching their water, try a taller container such as a glass. Cats generally live to be 19 or 20 years old if not using flea medication on a regular basis. This was not found to change the effectiveness of the product. As the fleas feed on your cat, the resulting blood loss can lead to anaemia, which is a lower than normal red blood cell count. Because it can be difficult to diagnose flea infestation in cats, some veterinarians recommend trying reliable flea control products purchased from a veterinary office for six to eight weeks to see if it reduces the incidence of licking, scratching, or chewing. The worms emerge from the eggs as larvae, and can live at this immature stage in the soil or similar environments for a number of weeks. Our Picks for the Best Flea Treatment for Cats. In cats that do display symptoms, these may include: Heartworm can only be transmitted from animal to animal by mosquito, so the mosquito plays an important part in the life cycle of this parasite. Oral Flea Medication for Cats Below is more information about potential reactions and flea control product toxicity in pets. Found primarily in North America, Europe and Australia, they are more prevalent among very young or very old cats, or in areas with poor sanitation. Unlike many other parasites, the entire life cycle of the ear mite takes place on the host. Flea allergy dermatitis will cause a cat to feel itching for days after the initial flea bite, and the constant scratching will lead to large open sores and hair loss, particularly around the tail and hind legs. Bartonella doesn’t usually cause serious symptoms in cats, often resulting only in fever or swollen glands, but they can easily transmit the disease to humans through a scratch, or more commonly a bite. Adult lice have a lifespan of around 30 days. Larvae can also enter the host directly, often through the skin of the feet as the animal walks on infected soil. It is with this bite that your cat would become infected. This review is based on my own experience and is my genuine opinion. Take off the cap and check that the tube has been opened. Not all cats are responsive to toys, so you might need to try a number of techniques to keep you kitty entertained and fit. While using an antiparasitic treatment such as Revolution is the best way to keep your cat free of pesky parasites, maintaining their overall health can help them deal with any illnesses or conditions they may contract. The mites got through two nymphal phases, in each one feeding for 4 days then moulting. Your vet can help you learn which treatments can be safely used in conjunction. If he licks, it he may become very ill. Kittens in particular are at risk of issues from roundworms, as they can be transmitted through the placenta or milk from the mother. Both roundworm and hookworm can be found worldwide. Why Do Cats Thump Their Tails When Lying Down? All rights reserved. The liquid in each pipette is actually only a very small amount (0.75 ml), so the product is absorbed and dries very quickly. Fleas like warm, humid environments with shade. The most common symptoms of lice include irritation and itching. What if My Cat Licks Revolution? Even if your cat is trouble-free, they will still need to get their regular vaccines and to have their teeth cleaned. The best way to get spot on is to get on your knees clamp cat between knees and then put spot on to stop wriggling. Select a Rating5 Stars4 Stars3 Stars2 Stars1 Star. Flea medicines are an important way to protect your cat from the frustration and potential danger of a flea infestation. Adult fleas emerge from the cocoon and must begin feeding within a few hours in order to survive. Risk of bubonic plague responds well to antibiotics but can be just as affected by the mosquito itself the! N'T draw a straight line to the medication, making you wonder you., this stage is reached approximately 7 to 8 months after they first... Selemectin, for example, the hookworm life cycle of the more dangerous myths about parasites, if... Three months of protection takes around 2 to 3 weeks before developing into.! 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