There has always been a revered storyteller in your culture. You gain access to the Influence social trait and the Oathbound faith trait. Think of each element on the background generator’s tables as a piece of story material that you can link together with other random pieces to create a story you otherwise might now have imagined. Someone needed to stand up and protect them, and that someone would be you. Roll on the following table to determine your character’s drawback. Those who become fighters take up the sword for many reasons. You were born to the middle class, which includes merchants, artisans, and tradespeople. New Pages | Recent Changes | Privacy Policy, Step 3—Moral Conflicts, Relationships, And Drawbacks, Step 3—Moral Conflict, Relationships, and Resolutions, Table: Relationship with Fellow Adventurers. A cavalier is a mounted warrior who abides by some edict or code—even a personal code that may apply only to that cavalier. During your childhood, you were influenced by a significant event that helped to shape the person you became. Description: The man speaks with an almost imperceptible accent. There is a relative you were especially close to. It obliterated the settlement where you lived, whether a small village, large city, or entire island. Roll. Make your background! One must be to Constitution or Intelligence, and one is a free ability boost. The elders chose you as successor and taught you the lore of the elements and the. Pathfinder Society. When determining your conflict, you accumulate a number of Conflict Points (CP). The discovery of your, As a child, you created imaginary playmates that you felt truly spoke to and heard you. You affiliated with a guild, gang, or group of thieves and thugs, carrying out illicit missions to further their interests and sabotage those of rival gangs. Every day, you feel yourself growing older and closer to your inevitable end. You gain access to the Worldly social trait and you roll a d12 instead of a d20 on, Your criminal record began when you were young. Many of you, both here and on my site, responded with a resounding yes.. Your faith and purpose came in a brilliant flash of insight. Drawbacks also serve as loopholes in the alignment system. They typically either form their own gnome communities or integrate themselves into other humanoid societies. You are a prince or princess, the son or daughter of the monarch. It puzzles you that anyone with martial aptitude deigns to devote their skill to anything other than firearms. You gain access to the Log Roller regional trait. Words and music have always come to you effortlessly, as naturally as breathing. You gain access to the Criminal social trait. Class: Paladin Origin: One of your ancestors left a holy quest unfulfilled, so you intend to finish that work. There is no true order to the natural universe except for that of raw and unbridled power. What once seemed true in your religion, society, or family began to appear false the more time you spent with this person, and you quickly learned not to trust everyone you meet—especially among those who would claim to be most deserving of it. You gain access to the Evasive Sting combat trait. He wears an old set of leather armor, nicked and torn by the ravages of time and battle. To you, this person was the meaning of family. You embraced a religious faith at an early age and devoted your life to its ideals. You gain access to the Alchemical Intuition magic trait. Though the generator provides many foundational details of a character's background, it takes some creative thought to massage the specifics together. Map figure sheet. Step 3—Moral Conflict, Relationships, and Vulnerabilities Determine a major conflict in your past, the other party involved, and how you resolved the conflict. Latest Pathfinder products in the Open Gaming Store. You gain access to the Frontier-Forged regional trait. When you were young, you happened upon a strange, You received your magical ability as a gift from a supernatural being, such as an. When such riches are within your reach, you’re driven to possess them, and you claim them either as an honest collector or a cunning thief. You likely work for a private individual or military order. Uncertain of alignment? Do you want a character who goes toe-to-toe with terrible monsters, matching sword and shield against claws and fangs? You gain access to the Child of Nature religion trait. You respected this trait and it influenced your own philosophy. You gain access to the Poverty-Stricken social trait. Resources and tools for Pathfinder® and Paizo's Golarion campaign setting, including the Pathfinder Calendar, Pathfinder/Golarion name generator, printable spell card creation, and automation for performing and interpreting Harrowings. But it was establishing this link to your, When you were young, you or others you cared for were bullied by agents of an oppressive power. Once you were an ordinary youth. You stole several small or inexpensive items that belonged to someone else. You failed a friend, family member, or loved one who depended on you to fulfill an important task. You know that in order to bring the light of your deity to others, you must traverse hostile territories and face even more hostile inhabitants. Most of the time, you just avoid thinking about the conflict. Inspired by legends of the past or personal heroes of your civilization, you longed to wield steel and carve your way in the world. | 5th Edition SRD You gain access to the Unseen But Not Undone magic trait. You gain access to the Rich Parents social trait. You can only hope to do for others what this individual did for you. Pathfinder SRD. Your observance of the natural world gave you the ability to extrapolate combat forms without traditional training. You gain access to the Ease of Faith faith trait. You likely grew up in a good-sized settlement, and one of your parents is likely associated with a guild or other trade organization. Then flesh out the details to show how this person fits within your story. You gain access to the Worldly social trait. This experience tore you apart and reduced you to a being of primal emotions. You now have a keen eye for the magic of death and for discerning answers to ancient riddles. You gain access to the Suspicious social trait. You gain access to the, Your love for someone motivates you. This ongoing dedication improves your ability to repair firearms and make them deadlier while in your skilled hands. As such, you sleep lightly, always suspecting someone or something to sneak in upon you in the dark. You gain access to the Child of the Temple faith trait. You treasure the friends, associates, and lovers you have earned throughout the years, and when someone breaks your trust or betrays you in some way, you become utterly unhinged. You gain access to the Kin Guardian combat trait. Chaos is the natural state of all things, and that’s how you like it. You deliberately made someone believe something that was not true to further your own goals. You became close with someone you were bound to serve, be it a minor lord or lady, master (in the case of a slave), prince or princess, king or queen. Impressed by your natural ability, this mentor taught you how to fight, dodge, and throw. You gain access to the Greater Purpose magic trait. STEP 1: HOMELAND, FAMILY & CHILDHOOD. Many people know of your misdeed, and they also realize your complete lack of remorse. Pathfinder Society. No more! Treasury of Winter (Pathfinder Second Edition) December 11, 2020 Ugchi Ancestry December 5, 2020; Ancestral Anthologies Vol. From your earliest years, you’ve possessed a gentleness or a power that allows you to communicate with. This could have been a tribe of brutal. | 13th Age SRD Without it, you are no longer yourself and are prone to suffer from depression, moodiness, or aggressive behavior. You gain access to the Truth’s Agent social trait. You gain access to the Fate’s Favored faith trait. Your endless tinkering and perfectionism have made your own gun easier to upgrade. You gain access to the Inspired faith trait. One of your close associates was a clown who mocked propriety and custom, instead engaging in wild and somewhat random actions from time to time. General Information. Training from dawn to dusk to hone every inch of your body into a fighting instrument, you studied with scores of other students in an academy or school dedicated to one specific martial art. Although your arcane aptitude was evident at an early age, you were pushed toward wizardry as the conduit for your magic. This foe lurks ever close to your thoughts. When you came of age, you decided to serve your god and country as a. Roll on Table: Paladin Backgrounds to determine the formative events that led you to become a paladin. You and a sibling are twins (identical or fraternal, your choice). Perhaps no other class exemplifies the acquisition of power through sheer focus and determination as well as the wizard. Unless one of your parents is the regent, your family serves a higher-ranked noble but lesser nobles serve your family in turn. It allows characters to overcome various challenges related to their diverse talents, with simple rules for dealing with beneficial or adverse conditions. You gain access to the Canter social trait and the Liberator story feat. hokaze/pathfinder-background-generator Android app automating Pathfinder's Ultimate Campaign Background Generation rules. Most likely, you pick your own race as your dominant, Not all those who hear the voices of the gods can distill that echo into magical power like, From an early age, you stood up against some of the most terrifying creatures imaginable, facing off against creatures most mortals only dream of in their wildest, You are an expert in creatures both common and exotic, particularly in terms of what valuable items you can harvest from their remains. You are currently involved in a romantic relationship. Then the next player chooses a different character and rolls to determine their relationship, and so on, until finally the last player rolls to determine his relationship with the first character. You gain access to the Unblemished Barrel combat trait. At the end of the battle, you were the only one left standing, with scores of slain foes strewn at your feet. Perhaps you are a pilgrim for a good deity in an unholy land, or the secret enforcer of a sect that operates in the shadows of the world. Roll on Table: Monk Backgrounds to determine the origin of your exotic training. Only you and maybe a select few people know of your involvement. Although your research has not yet been able to recreate the sheer potency of that draught long ago, your years questing to duplicate it have made you adept at brewing. Pathfinder #144: Midwives of Death is now up! Background Design (5e Guideline) Don't like how you are playing your character, who you are, or fed up with the DM? Though this person held power over you, she held you closer than a subject or servant. Whatever the nature of your epiphany, it guides your actions and gives you insights others lack. Your adoptive parent is a nonliving creature, such as a. 1d2 siblings and 1d2 half-siblings (roll d% to determine each one’s race; 01–50: 2d4 siblings. So a few months back, I asked you, the Pathfinder community, whether you're still playing and enjoying 1E. You gain access to the, You are attached to a particular person—a friend, family member, or loved one—who means more than anything or anyone in the world. Your family’s status could have influenced this event, or you might be a simple commoner rewarded with a title for a rare feat of courage. STEP 1: HOMELAND, FAMILY & CHILDHOOD. Try a new random character with this generator! If you are playing a paladin or some other character who must be good, roll a d6. Rather than stumble through the rudimentary syllables of language, you spoke in full sentences, reciting the greatest literature of many languages in story, song, and poem. You’ve always understood plants better than people. When you gain access to a story feat, it means you’ve met the prerequisite for the feat and can take it at any time, not just at character creation. Social and amicable by nature, halflings fit equally well in both communities of humans and those of their wily kinsfolk. Wizards, Rangers, Witches etc get the animal companion automatically. At the beginning of your career, you served with a company of mercenaries. This knight taught you more than the art of battle she taught you to live by a strict code to guide your actions and your sword. If the result is one that is typical for your race, this region is one where there are few other members of your race, outside of your family. But you soon discovered that social communities, bureaucracies, and laws made you feel constrained and unnatural. One of your associates had such a lust for knowledge that she could never be satisfied with simple answers or obvious solutions. If you want something reasonably playable, use the Elite array (15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8) with the ability score priorities list below. Wizards, Rangers, Witches etc get the animal companion automatically. You grew up in wild lands where there were no laws except for those of nature—the laws of the predator and the prey. The choice to tie oneself to an eidolon and the circumstances leading to that choice form the foundation of any summoner‘s character. Your lands, titles, and estates are significant, and many lords and knights serve under your parents’ command. Position 1 on the track represents the first CP added. Welcome to my little tool for generating random treasure. You gain access to the Reluctant Apprentice magic trait. There was a person in your life to whom you could tell anything. You gain access to the True Love story feat. Simply replace the words “Human” with “Dracen”. You tempted or manipulated someone to act in accordance with your whim, careless of whether it was in their own best interests. Whenever you witness them, you feel compelled to act or speak out. You knew someone who traveled from place to place with the changing of the wind, such as a minstrel, convict, merchant, outcast, soldier, or sailor. In your early years, you made sense of the chaotic, disorderly world you grew up in by formulating your own code of ethics and behavior. Everyone needs to earn a living, and in your youth you were fast, strong, or tough enough to fight for pay. You gain access to the, Your family means everything to you, and there is nothing you wouldn’t do for them. Random Background Generator Ultimate Campaign introduced a beautiful and elegant way of creating simple backgrounds for your characters that were specific enough to spark your ideas, but vague enough to let you work in the finer details. Life Path Generator. You gain access to the Influence social trait and the Champion story feat. When others question or attack the beliefs, principles, relics, or structures of your faith, you respond with fury. You’ve adopted the manners and style of this age, and are fascinated by its customs, relics, and artifacts, and by the historical figures of that time. So intense is your hatred that the mere thought of this foe can incite your, There is a part of yourself that you hate more than anything else. For a time, you lived in an urban environment. This could have been the person who taught you the heroic abilities you possess, or simply a kindred spirit who helped form your worldview. You’ve seen innocent people suffer due to another’s lies. You gain access to the Principled faith trait. You gain access to the Scholar of the Great Beyond faith trait. One druid might receive her power from an elemental creature, and another might learn it from a beast or the fey. You were born during a particularly powerful conjunction or in some other time of power. You achieve the transcendent feeling of the divine when you are in the throes of battle for your deity. You gain access to the, You crave luxury, entertainment, and pleasure. You were profoundly affected by the death of the relative closest to you—a parent, grandparent, favorite sibling, aunt, uncle, or cousin. Use this tool to inspire creativity rather than as hard-and-fast rules to mandate rigid and seamless character backgrounds. Such a craft can be self-taught or instilled through instruction, learned in an academy or at the fringes of the world, but it can be mastered only through the most rigorous and regimented of study. You gain access to the Natural-Born Leader social trait. Perhaps you picked up a. Roll on. You caused someone else to suffer by your own inaction, disregard, or excessive recklessness. You were especially close to a holy person in your community who fundamentally changed your life by opening your eyes to the incredible powers that exist beyond the natural world. Aasimar use the Human table found on page 19 of Ultimate Campaign. You might not understand the reasons for your power, but you are one with nature and your will is the will of the world. You have had many lovers but no long-lasting, meaningful relationships. One player begins the process by choosing someone in the group and rolling to learn the relationship between her and the second character. Rather, the oracle’s mystery chooses her in the midst of a climactic event that marks the oracle with an abiding curse. Infiltrating various houses and estates in the guise of an actor, minstrel, or storyteller, you honed your art while being paid better than most other performers. This could be an official skald, a royal minstrel, the washerman who spins parables and folk wisdom, or the old farmer who tells tall tales at the pub. You can also use the charts and tables in the background generator as a springboard for your imagination, deliberately selecting background elements that … Your character’s background provides ability boosts, skill training, and a skill feat.. Backgrounds allow you to customize your character based on their life before adventuring. You’re expected to attend the royal court. You gain access to the Log Roller regional trait and the Animal Friend race trait. Though others in your craft come up with ways to substitute certain ingredients when making bombs or mutagens, you disdain such practices, deeming them pollutions. For a truly random character, use 4d6-keep three for abilities. You gain access to the Bloodthirsty combat trait and the Innocent Blood story feat. Perhaps this was a first love, a casual partner you grew close to, or the one who got away. Your parents are likely slaves or servants, or you were sold into slavery as an infant. The tables behind this are based off of those found within Ultimate Equipment and the Core Rulebook. Result. You gain access to the Suspicious social trait. You can also use this table free-form if you wish, rolling for your relationship for as many or as few of the other characters as you care to define; however, the first method guarantees that every character has connections to two other characters to improve group cohesion. Your dedication to the blending of martial and magical has been so intense that your martial prowess feeds your arcane power. Your parents attend directly to the monarch and have the highest place at court. Young and vulnerable, you feared the natural dangers of the world at first, but acclimated to the natural way of life as you learned to tap into the primal power of the world. It performs poorly on "Google Chrome." Backgrounds describe training or environments your character experienced before becoming an adventurer. But for every gunslinger who rises to epic fame as a hero or villain, another has been left lifeless at the hands of the weapon she sought to master. Most likely you hunt, You set yourself apart with a pall of cold logic that allows you to see weaknesses in members of your own race that you strive not to succumb to yourself. At some point, the dormant power within you awakened with a fright. Your unique, unabashed vision resonated with the audience, revealing new perspectives as well as simple truths. It does not work on some versions of "Opera" and "Safari"; if someone can tell me what I need to do to make the code compatible with these browsers, I would be most grateful. There's several automated tools around to roll it up for you if you don't want to do it yourself. You gain access to the Criminal social trait. 65 You grew up in the church of the Dark Smith, where you learned the value of hard work and achieving vocational mastery. You gain access to the Militia Veteran regional trait, the Champion story feat, and the Town Tamer story feat. This table lists 20 conflicts, ranging from minor indiscretions to grievous sins. Character Sheets You gain access to the, You are truly comfortable only around others of your race, and you have a hard time putting faith or trust in those of races different from your own. You discovered a talent for lifting items and coin purses from others’ belts. Roll a d12 instead of a d20 on. Sometimes you got easy jobs, like guarding merchant caravans; other times the jobs are rough, like fighting in a rebel lord’s private army. Moment where your life in unforeseen directions finally emerged from the monarch and have the criminal element him... That spoke to and heard you for fear of alienating a mentor taught. 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